Introduction: Drape coefficient is an important property of textile materials that affects their appearance and suitability for various applications. In this lab, we will determine the drape coefficient of a fabric sample.
- Fabric sample
- Drape coefficient tester
- Clamps
- Weights (100 g)
- Ruler
- Stopwatch
- Preparation of the test sample: Cut a fabric sample with dimensions of 20 cm x 20 cm using scissors.
- Measurement of fabric weight: Weigh the fabric sample using a digital balance and record the weight in grams (g).
- Measurement of fabric thickness: Measure the thickness of the fabric sample using a ruler and record the thickness in millimeters (mm).
- Preparation of the drape coefficient tester: Attach the clamps to the drape coefficient tester. Adjust the height of the tester to 35 cm.
- Placing the fabric sample: Place the fabric sample on the drape coefficient tester, ensuring that the fabric hangs evenly between the clamps.
- Loading the fabric sample: Hang a weight of 100 g on the center of the fabric sample. Start the timer and allow the weight to remain on the fabric sample for 30 seconds.
- Removal of the weight: Remove the weight from the fabric sample and start the timer. Observe the fabric sample and record the time it takes for the fabric to reach a specified angle, such as 45, 60, or 90 degrees. Record the time it takes for the fabric to reach the specified angle as the drape time.
- Repeat the tests: Repeat steps 6 and 7 for different fabric samples and different angles, such as 45, 60, and 90 degrees.
- Calculation of the drape coefficient: Calculate the drape coefficient using the formula:
Drape Coefficient = (Weight x 100) / (Fabric Weight x Fabric Thickness x Drape Time)
where, Weight is the weight of the suspended load in grams (g) Fabric Weight is the weight of the fabric sample in grams (g) Fabric Thickness is the thickness of the fabric sample in millimeters (mm) Drape Time is the time taken for the fabric sample to reach the specified angle in seconds (s) - Analysis of the results: Analyze the data using statistical methods, such as mean and standard deviation. Compare the drape coefficient values of different fabric samples and observe the effect of fabric weight, fabric thickness, and drape time on the drape coefficient.
Conclusion: In this lab, we have determined the drape coefficient of a fabric sample. Drape coefficient is an important property that affects the appearance and suitability of textile materials for various applications. By evaluating the performance of different fabric samples, we can determine their suitability for applications such as clothing, curtains, and upholstery.